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Juicy uniform berry, with an intense, strong, and grassy medium to good flavor (ºBrix 10.3; Acidity 1.43 %; Sugar/ Acid rate 7.20, on average), with a consistent bluish black glossy color, which shows low color reversion capacity. Fruit is a medium firm, medium to large-sized (11.0 g on average) berry, uniform narrow ovate to medium ovate-shaped throughout the season, with a good transportability and shelf-life (6 days on average). Upright, thornless and medium-early season production (late-May) variety, with a productive window average of 78 days, which also shows a good aptitude for use in parks and gardens (landscaping projects), due to its large pink flowers, which remain on the plant for a long time, in combination with the ethereal-looking vegetation it presents.

EMCO CALDivision of agriculture - research & extension - University of Arkensas System