Blue Ribbon, Top Shelf, Valor®, Cargo and Last Call: 5 new blueberry varieties!
We are pleased to announce that we have signed a license agreement with Fall Creek for a range of 5 varieties of their proprietary breeding program....
Multibaies is back with raspberries and blackberries!
We are pleased to launch new varieties of blackberries and raspberries through a license agreement with our partner EmcoCal. The world of Rubus...
‘Mini Blues’ – new northern highbush variety
Mini Blues is a new Vaccinium corymbosum L. developed by plant breeder Dr. Chad Finn (USDA) in Corvallis, Oregon. Mini Blues is a northern highbush...
EU certified plants at Multibaies
Multibaies is proud to be the first specialized nursery to implement the new European Council EU certification standard for blueberry plants....