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Multibaies is proud to be the first specialized nursery to implement the new European Council EU certification standard for blueberry plants.

(Directive 2008/90/EC)

This means additional and consistent guarantees for blueberry growers in terms of varietal conformity and sanitary aspects.

In order to conform, nurseries must implement safe practices as well as traceability.

Multibaies has full control of the know-how as well as the production infrastructures in its own hands (tissue culture laboratory and nursery). Our strong and safe procedure base has greatly contributed to eliminating risks of viruses and/or off-types.

We are very happy to be able to highlight now the hidden qualities of our blueberry plants through the EU certification, which is the ONLY certification that offers real guarantees. It will certainly become the new standard for blueberry plants.


Draper clone n°15136, Vaccinium, In virtro Pl21 N°2021-5953502, Plant Passport PL 03216 100 plants certifiés, CTIFL-France Règles et normes UE, issus de matériels produits en champ